Wednesday, November 30, 2016

PsBattle: Lady Gaga's winter wardrobe

PsBattle: Dad Trying to Skateboard

PsBattle: This dapper med student juggling skulls

PsBattle: Playful Puppy likes her frisbee

Baby monkey tries to rub the spots off a dalmation

PsBattle: Dog and vacuum create a mess

PsBattle: This cat playing games

PsBattle: This slug on a Yurt

Surprise! Better keep your guard up.

Santa asking what a deaf girl wants for Christmas in sign-language

PsBattle: This dog at a park

Me falling off of a set last weekend

PsBattle: Girl being mauled by doggos

PsBattle: Cow with tongue up its nose

PsBattle: This guy on the Bus Today

The fear is real

Frozen pipe pooping out ice cubes

Half in, half out.

MY dog does a sort-of snoopy dance after a poo.

Picking up liquid using two knives

Boy busts out "stellar" dance moves

PsBattle: Corgi smoking a "cigar"

What chemicals do this? Anyone here?

PsBattle: Still of Taylor Swift showing her hand

Cat mother love is so cute

"What is this? It falls from the sky!"

Biker returning lost wallet smashes driver’s phone after driver swears and gives him the finger

PsBattle: Carlos Tevez tackling Rio Ferdinand

He needed to see his buddy

Smooth parking

Morning Exercise

Taiwanese truck takes a tight turn

PsBattle: Cat on a couch

Bending a stream of honey

99% WTF Shit

PsBattle: Cat with interesting headwear

the moment you discover your fetish

PsBattle: Kazak the Dog

PsBattle: Man Pulling Sharks Tail.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I don't know what he expected

Fake mirror

PsBattle: Kid in a Tube

PsBattle: Donald and Mitt's meeting.

Intense Shaolin Monk Kung Fu training

Incredible save during accident.

PsBattle: Three cosplay girls at a gaming convention

PsBattle: Girl icing dog neck after ventral slot spinal surgery

PsBattle: Girl wrapped in a bear

PsBattle: Christmas Kitty

This cat is so badass