Sunday, December 31, 2017

Good guy hurricane

Get in line ladies.

Shake it off !!!

PsBattle: this yawning puppy and sleeping cat.

PsBattle: Two dogs having a fight within a cemetery

PsBattle: this little guy and his noble steed

DIY Snow Plow.

PsBattle: This Irish Wolfhound running a troop transport mission.

PsBattle: going, going...oh ship!

PsBattle: This winky girl

9 lives. Cat's eyes.

Miku catches treats ridiculously fast.

PsBattle: German Shepherd caught mid-yawn

PsBattle: This cat and her macbook.

Photoshop Battles "Best of 2017" Awards - Open for Voting!

Supercooled water

Wrong card

PsBattle: This sleeping cat

PsBattle: lounging dog

Sunday morning when mom and dad are still asleep.

PsBattle: these dogs playing

PsBattle: This cat with perfect form

PsBattle: Nicholas Cage in Walgreens in the tampon aisle

Adorable Friendship

Officer I'm not drunk. My car is.

PsBattle: Real-Life Bert from Bert and Ernie.

Tiny dude

Wheelie kid

Car full of Berners

no inappropriate use for this gif pls

The best way to clear snow from your car

PsBattle: this dog yawning.

Close encounter with Orca

PsBattle: This goalkeeper mid-jump

PsBattle: Nicolas cage at the supermarket

Good morning, otter

PsBattle: A woman painitng the globe

PsBattle: Appa having an existential crisis

Saturday, December 30, 2017

"Put some elbow grease in it Karen"

It dropped to -30°C here in Winnipeg, Canada. My dad wanted to do the thing cool people do.

Police respond to break..what the..

PsBattle: This awkward kitty cat.

PsBattle: This boy and his sheep

lovely family

Container ship flexing in rough weather

Introducing Reddit's Video-to-GIF Mechanic

PsBattle: This frog peering between two branches

Bushbaby attempts a leap

Sled Doggo

Is it a table or a shelf?