Monday, May 31, 2021

Unfair life.

Dog get it

PsBattle: Steve Irwin holding a gator

Dog with a garden hose.

PsBattle: Kitten wrapped in toilet paper

Shark Buffet

Back yard Time-lapse of storm rolling in (Leander, TX)

My dog ate my wallet, so I got a new wallet with a picture of my dog eating my wallet.

PsBattle: Cat sitting on his tail

PsBattle: Angela Merkel playing Farming Simulator

The shade is real

PsBattle: Dog with head in the grass

shes a keeper

She Got Pussy Blocked

Canadian archaeology

*May include side effects

Peaceful flow of this stream and scenery

Can’t turn away for a second.

PsBattle: Two dogs playing

Actual ad I just saw. “And more”

Climbing a Coconut Tree

PsBattle: Cat caught mid-sneeze with his brother in the foreground

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Turkey In Space

Everyone leading up to next months UFOs report.

"Oh my god" (strobe warning)

Loving my Gwyneth Paltrow vagina scented candle

Be strong in the lord and in his mighty armored power.

How to show your wealth in 2021.

My pops didn’t enjoy his visit to the water park too much so my buddy did some photoshop magic

Seen in a Walmart parking lot

Hundreds of hummingbirbs having a feast at a location that's been feeding them for over 8 years straight. Never seen this quantity of wild hummers in a single location before!

Tired of crypto? Here’s an investment for you.


US vs British movies police

A father's humorous reaction as he proudly watches his son perform

PsBattle: A baby deer covered in leaves.

No one believes that my cat can talk [OC]


Smart living 101

PsBattle: This serval with eyes closed

Reddit these days

The name of the referee is Fernanda Colombo

PsBattle: Underground Wine Cellar