Saturday, August 31, 2019

Medium rare, perfect.

Solid landing.

There’s no such thing as a perfect face swa—

PsBattle: This bearded long-legged Pom Pom.

Middle class problems.

You have no idea what's coming.

(Mis)fortune teller

Punching bags do punch back

This cosplay

Have you ever seen a hamster getting mad and slap 😹

Threat eliminated

Refreshing Haircut

Hurricane ready

A very good person

Planetary gear found in a restaurant


Those are some impressive paw tufts

Capybara Agility Training

NASA announced Pluto is now considered a planet.

Belly too big

Just get a refill

Friday, August 30, 2019

Saw this awhile back, here's hoping you enjoy it as much as I did

For all of you who sort by new Dry Bones Jones dances for you

Wasted my time building a table and a landing.

Crack that whip!

Friend's GF really loves his new shirt

One way to get out of a ticket

They are evolving....

New Eraser

Get you a lab who can do this...

Florida Man

Meanwhile in Florida...

PsBattle: this dog trying to swallow a cob of corn

PsBattle: This man in his christmas suit. (Credit to u/POUUER from r/funny)

And yet...

Oh hun, you're so silly

This is your house. Stay here!!!

The hero we all need

PsBattle: This jacked croissant at a bakery.

It’s 80 degrees and I got my hoodie on.

a very impressive boy

Just keep quiet...

Go ahead, shut off my power

Not a bad idea.