Thursday, April 30, 2020

Malls are reopening and you know what that means

he made a very good point

Haven’t been touched in a while

PsBattle: Two people in a subway station.

Changing tide

Bill Gates so rich, his camera is better than CNN.

I design stupid product ideas, so I made the Drink O’Clock to tell you all you really need to know from a clock.

the doctor we deserve.

PsBattle: This snake swallowed a gun

This cat loves selfies.

A damn shame

PsBattle: Cat on counter

Costco adds plexiglass above the stainless steel dividers, I assume to protect me from someone coughing on me while staring at my penis.

2020 corona fashion

IMPORTANT PSA: No, you did not win a gift card.

"Nathan thinks he can handle this..."

Ahh...the money under the bottle trick never fails

PsBattle: Bear waiting for snacks.

Special boy.

The perfect selfie doesnt exi...

God giving us a sneak peek of what's in store for May

PsBattle: This Terrorist From Michigan

Jellyfish cat

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

PsBattle: The nosy pug

Caracal Ear Movement

trust issue

Blew my stimulus check on strippers and Coke

Corona Virus


PsBattle: Statue of South American Terror Bird displayed in Natural History Museum Vienna

PsBattle: Danny Trejo playing Animal Crossing.

My cat’s face before and after my wife told her that the high chair is not for her

PsBattle: this bearded dragon eating

The incredible shot from Contact was inspired by this one almost 40 years earlier.

Good ol’ Steve Irwin

I miss Weeds


I am curious who approved this.

Probably try for future id's

PsBattle: Dog that went into the mud.

PsBattle: This standing golden retriever

First load of Laundry 🔥

PsBattle: Corgi stretches out while lying on his side

Wear Your Mask: The Urine Test

PsBattle: cat drinking from toilet

There are 3 types of people