Friday, August 31, 2018

PsBattle: The City Hall under a pastel sunset

My mom started making greeting cards and is nervous about doing her first craft fair tommorow. I thought I'd share her latest creation with you to show her that people like her stuff.

PsBattle: Squirrel Jump

What a typical weekend was for Steve Irwin

Bill Clinton in awe of Ariana Grande's performance at Aretha Franklin's funeral

PsBattle: This man jumping with open arms .

PsBattle: This toddler and his tiger backpack.

PsBattle: This Worried Dog.

PsBattle: this kitten with new teeth

Airport employee celebrates cone toss with victory dance.

PsBattle: traffic director in costume

Sir, please remove all of your cuteness material and put them into the bin

They finally did it

PsBattle: Tim Heidecker grins as he assures that 'it's free real estate'.

You can't see me

Packing the essentials

PsBattle: A baby dressed as superman and his mom.

Muskox go head to head in the middle of the road

The Creation of Adam

PsBattle: Tony Stark's expression when hearing StarLord's response to his plan.

PsBattle: This creepy alligator

PsBattle: This yawning cat

PsBattle: This cat sneezing.

This cat showed up at the Berlin Zoo one day and became best friends with Maeuschen, a 40-year old Asian bear.

PsBattle: This cat with a wtf/astonished expression

Pure love

"Mommas got you"

Beware of falling rocks

Finally a dog standing up for what's his ...

PsBattle: Ink-soaked paper from a printer jam

PsBattle: This Trump staffer blocking a photographer from the Associated Press

Pot painting

Going up

PsBattle: A Joker kick-flipping over the Batman. (Resubmitted)

PsBattle: A dog chilling on a cushion.

Showing the young ones how it’s done.

PsBattle: That guy with a chick on his shoulder

Much harder than a strike

PsBattle: French president drinking Finnish coffee

How it works

Why you summon me Hooman?

Good people cleaning up forest

I Got Dis Hooman..

PsBattle: aide blocking the camera

Red bull gives you wings

PsBattle: This dog wearing glasses