Friday, April 30, 2021

So last night was interesting... The cake was a nice touch though

Tail-Full of Cat Toys

PsBattle: This deer biting a woman

Seattle today

A spider versus a roomba

Mexican weather girl, Yanet García, modeling lingerie

The wind didn't stand a fucking chance.

I can feel it coming in the air tonight….

PsBattle: This shaved shih tzu

I got a pic of my bf falling off a floaty and just realized there was a guy falling off a boat at the same time

A Robbery attempt

Ah, yes...the boob folder

PsBattle: Dog in a bow tie

It’s all the credentials he needs.

PsBattle: Cat on Trash Bins

Man attacked by snapping turtle

PsBattle: This wrinkly egg

PsBattle: Christmas Tree Worm

PsBattle: This Cat on a ledge

PsBattle: Sebastian Stan visiting a Starbucks in Bucky costume and facemask

Social distancing gone wrong 😂😂

Essential worker

I wonder if he knows his alignment is a little off

PsBattle: Hole in the clouds

Utah Macy’s really knows how to cater to their market.

A rare photo of a remote control from the 70's

Thursday, April 29, 2021

No matter how many times I tell her she’s not a cat...

PsBattle: White cat standing on two legs

Woman records herself sleepwalking

PsBattle: This Baby Swordfish

I'm super torn, because, um, yeah but I mean no


PsBattle: Doberman resting top lip on gate

He’s going through some things...

Playing on a friend's inverted controller

Vicious game of table tennis.

Bit coin or something idk

Welcome to Cameron’s car

Louis Walsh gropes Mel B on TV

Getting stuck with the middle seat

PsBattle: Kilauea Volcano's lava lake.

My grandma accidentally sent this potato quality gif to the family group chat 44 times does anyone have the original?!