Saturday, February 29, 2020

PsBattle: this squirrel sniffing a flower

Soooo, I no longer feel like a crazy person for losing random socks...

My brother made and posted this on r/southpark and it got shut out by reposts...but yes Towelie please

PsBattle: cat doing a one armed yawn stretch

Saw this gem in a yard in Houston.



Jellyfish look like they're from another planet

The master of balancing things

My dad’s Halloween costume of ‘78

PsBattle: This fat cat

Ever take yours off any sweet jumps?

These amazing flips by a gymnast.


The shadow is a streetpainting

Remember your ABC’s

Smooth Criminal.

PsBattle: This dog diving for a tennis ball

So this is why buses are always late...

Take me to the candy shop

You can’t beat this video

Oh the irony ...

"Look at this fucken clown"

Catshion 😹

I’m unable to grow a beard :(

Well excuuuuse me

I feel bad for laughing.

Netflix things

Literally clinging on for dear life

PsBattle: Cat with hand

Friday, February 28, 2020

[oc] typical Dave

PsBattle: This lady sand skiing with her dog.

[oc] day 53 of drawing a grumpy animal every single day. grumpy possum

Andre the Giant using Mean Gene for scale.

No, brother

PsBattle: man holding dog

She sure fooled them

PsBattle: Professional Serbian tennis player, Novak Djokovic

My dogs' tags

The older I get the younger this guy looks.

PsBattle: Djokovic stretched out

Getting the shot


Breaking News!!!

Japanese food porn.
