Wednesday, December 29, 2021

PsBattle: Anthropomorphic Icicle

PsBattle: Basil branch

Mr. Beaver doesn’t want anyone in his water.

PsBattle: Cat with a natural headset mic

Sentences, get it?

PsBattle: this unit of a carrot

McDonald’s worker vs Customers

Who's the man now!

Saw this sweater posted a few weeks ago, bought the same one and added a pearl for effect

PsBattle: this guy dressed as a panda eating grass

PsBattle: Cat yawning in a box

PsBattle: Dog biting air from a blowdryer

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Baby elephant's got no trunk control

Ninja Training

Never a dull moment

These insurance fraudsters are getting so brazen in their scam attempts!

PsBattle: John Madden yelling at referee

Don't call them "pants".

PsBattle: four-year-old girl wearing Venom outfit.

A dugong in the Red Sea munching on seagrass

Hot take

Out Of Nowhere