Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mom Auto Pilot

My buddy’s last ride of 2020.

PsBattle: A spiderman figure and a cat.

Today in Anaheim 🍕Pizza Planet delivery truck.

My 13yo thinks she’s funny.

Had this saved for years. Every now and again I see it and it makes me laugh

Fitting end to this year

PsBattle: Shroom dog

My brother posed as fat Thor 😳😳


Capped off 2020 by falling through the ceiling....what a year!!

An enthusiastic start to the new year!

PsBattle: New Years eve dinner in Antarctica.


Thank you!

PsBattle: Sarah Gilbert after creating the vaccine to defeat covid

Greta is always watching 👀

His demons keep him company

Larry needs to get his shit together

My CATastrophic New Year's party

I think about this a lot

Great design

Every year, Google Maps sends me a summary of everywhere I've been. Thanks, Google Maps.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

I’m pretty sure my mom will never again ask my help with putting away the nativity scene

Think I got scammed on this purchase?

Oscar the Grouch Gets Yeeted

PsBattle: This Golden Retriever sitting next to a Berner [credit u/zedscience1]

The time a Jeep hit my brick mailbox.

The universe is wider than our views of it

PsBattle: horse smiling

Wrong paw?

There’s a Sid on my sister’s floor

Drugs Described Through The Many Faces Of Jim Carrey

something I've been working on for a while (OC)

Happy doggo

Can I Offer You a Nice Egg in This Trying Time?

PsBattle: this giraffe eating a plane

A short tale

My friend was gifted a homemade present for Christmas this year

Just shoveling the driveway...

PsBattle: Corn with one kernel out of place

Only some goats have this feature

Really makes you think

Forbidden Sandwich

Now time for 2020 chapter 2.

PsBattle: Barack Obama

Surfing Whale

PsBattle: this jumping buffalo