Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Stay safe

7am Decisions

Don’t let him make you gopher it

Lightening, check. Large tree, check. Holding onto metal object, check. Neighbor mowing in the rain, check.

3000 Pounds of Fireworks were found today in LA, LAPD messed up disposing of them.

PsBattle: This construction worker saving a woman from drowning.

Adorably funny

Companies on July 1st - 🤡 -> 🐻‍❄️

PsBattle: red panda with its hands up

Childish, sure. But I couldn’t resist.

Somebody has too much time on their hands

Shes living her best life

Costumed man who claims to have special powers meets Spiderman..

PsBattle: Frog sticking head beside a leaf

PsBattle: this red panda on a branch

You gotta do what you gotta do


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

These seagulls remind me of Statler & Waldorf, the two old geezers from the balcony on the Muppet Show.

GF and I were starting to worry she was pregnant. Yesterday we got the good news, so while she was visiting family today, I made this. I might be on the couch tonight boys

I hope they work out their necks.

Gorilla vs Snake

PsBattle: This kangaroo taking a load off

My buddy got suspended for doing this in the HS yearbook

Man of culture

Progress GIF of a recent Portrait | pen on A3 paper

Drive-by of the decade

PsBattle: This monkey using a water faucet

i'm never going to financially recover from this.. help

PsBattle: Dilated eye glows red after visit to eye doctor

A street view sphere.

PsBattle: Cat opens his eyes and mouth.

Fast and furious 9 pop corn combo

ANNOUNCEMENT: We're making some changes to how comics are handled.

PsBattle: Cat in Garden

PsBattle: This cat yawning

The pick n lick

That escalated quickly.

SF just said NO

Now that’s funny! Messed up, but funny!

PsBattle: Guy falling off skateboard

PsBattle: Man falling off of skate board

True love [OC]

Betty is enjoying the chance to snuggle


This kid will have nightmares tonight lol

PsBattle: Cat laying on bed

PsBattle: Chris Paul getting fouled

I present you, The best picture of myself that will ever exist.