Saturday, June 30, 2018

PsBattle: This pic of Ronaldo arguing with the ref.

"Come on bitch, let's throw down! You and me, right now!"

Michoacán’s Monarch Butterfly sanctuary

Cat reacting to the sound of a comb.


Cat with a quick NOPE

The samurider

PsBattle: A dog after a bath

Cut, cut, wiggle, wiggle

PsBattle: Russian snowman

Pro level slide

Timelapse of a 3d Printed T-800 head!

This view in Italy


Got played

PsBattle: Man misting his dog

PsBattle: C.Ronaldo in Uruguay match

Being stalked by a goat.

Door handle/mechanism system made clearer

A German drinking beer

PsBattle: Philippine Hawk

Zero awareness

This piece of pie is mesmerizing

They talk a big talk

PsBattle: A kitty jumping across the bed (x-post from /r/aww)

PsBattle: This teen holding a sewing machine

Nice catch.

he is so happy

How may I assist you?

PsBattle: A swimmer jumping into water

PsBattle: A cow standing on a heap of burning garbage.

Nice catch.

Badass fire fighter presentation.


Magestic af

PsBattle: Lion cub making a face

Friday, June 29, 2018

PsBattle: Idle Peregrine Falcon staring at the camera

A somewhat hidden treehouse in our yard.

Best seat in the house


Gambit: the later years

How the tables have turned....

Projector + tower =

Full-court shot backwards

My face after I pet a dog...

Ready, set....

Emilia Clarke's eyebrows stabilized.

PsBattle: Cat in costume

"My husky pup meeting our very first dog-sitting client, a Bernese mountain dog."

Dog saves a Life