Thursday, August 31, 2017

Putting Out A Fire In Houston With A Boat Engine

PsBattle: Butterfly landed in front of lady

Come on buddy, let's go!

Best trainer

PsBattle: Quokka Selfie

PsBattle: Crying boy tries to tow a camper

I am the captain now

PsBattle: This kid falling down mid photo

PsBattle: mannequin in a skip

PsBattle: Dog sitting in airplane

Somebody made a Lego roller coaster

PsBattle: An angry cat swimming in the floodwaters of Huston.

Slurp slurp slurp

Man returns fish to water after Hurricane Harvey

PsBattle: Cat sleeping on a glass table

Dance, dance, dance...

When overcompensating finally pays off.

PsBattle: This bunny superhero

Macaw flying along side a motorcycle

Searching for signal.

Mornings summed up

Zebra Crossing

PsBattle: The undercarriage of a kitten

PsBattle: This happy donkey after being rescued


Wiffle Boss

How to make firends...

PsBattle: Astonished baby at a brewery

PsBattle: Determined Cat in Houston floodwaters. (Scott Olsen | Getty images 8/30/17)

PsBattle: Johnny Knoxville while feeding birds.

PsBattle: This unflattering photo of Kim Jong Un in an over-sized coat.

PsBattle: Polar bear cub waving at the camera.

PsBattle: Baby girl waking up from a nap

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A cow trying to catch snowflakes.

PsBattle: Back to school family picture

Work smarter, not harder

Incoming wave

PsBattle: Man walking across flooded highway barrier

Bunny kisses

...Maybe we should play a different game

flip cup

This guy and his cable management

PsBattle: Conan O'Brien reading a newspaper in the Dead Sea

Shredding with daddy

PsBattle: Buzz Aldrin working that cotton tee

Mom reflexes always kick in when necessary

PsBattle: Man sits on bench with his dog during Hurricane Harvey

Sometimes one finger isn't enough

SlowMo cat

3-year-old Prince Harry embarrassing his mother