Monday, September 30, 2019

Daughter does the duck prank on her dad and it's the funniest thing ever

Johnny Bravo is always relevant.

PsBattle: ibex in the mountains

PsBattle: Baby and mother Tern looking at each other

I sat on the toilet, closed the door, and my 2yo decided I wasn't shitting myself fast enough.

McDonald’s 1955-2019

PsBattle: Cat sitting with open mouth

PsBattle: The The Black-throated bushtit bird

Finally proven


Please be chicken please be chicken please be chicken

Cease your peasantry!

Runaway Cart at O'Hare Airport

Yeetus the feetus

YouTube in a Nutshell

Just a few feet above sea level

20 one legged back flips in 19 seconds

What DJ's really do

PsBattle: This Red Squirrel

This guy ends up being the only passenger on his flight

Sped up footage of astronauts jumping and tripping on the surface of the Moon (Lol)

I broke the toilet seat. This is how I broke it to my wife . . .

At a Goodwill in Monroe, CT

Outstanding move

PsBattle: Two Chimera Cats

Lightning storm timelapse compilation

PsBattle: Sleepy puppy

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gotta Love Coffee

PsBattle: This all-seeing deity

A rubber cobra is being used to teach orangutan orphans to fear snakes in the wild

Old-school spam


Jesus makes a point!

Like a true villain

How the tables have turned.

PsBattle: A lone cloud in an empty landscape

PsBattle: Dog with one blue eye and one brown eye

Puppy's mind is blown

Glad to see they could agree on something.

When the magic kicks in

Nap time

PsBattle: This meerkat covering it's face

actual photo taken where I live...

This is 1001% accurate

Trying my luck

Hey guys just waltzing by...

Falcon 9 taking off over LA

It's very important.

“Enhance Document”

PsBattle: Cat Midair