Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bottom of the 8th at least I'd say



Can you just stop?

PsBattle: Corgi rubbing through the snow

You get what you deserve

PsBattle: This girl's costume

You have to choose between nature and nurture.

Open window

Turns out there is a cow level.

Hidden Garage

Wh... where did she go??

To the wall

PsBattle: Auburn Fans stuck in a bush

How to annoy a surfer 101

Greatest costume for redheads

Well yeah...

My girlfriends mom passed out shots for thanksgiving on a communion tray.

PsBattle: Cliff House in Salobreña, Spain

Subreddit Of The Month [November 2019]: /r/suddenlybigbraintime. Know of a small (under 20,000 subscribers) humor-based subreddit that deserves a month in the spotlight? Link it inside!


Vaping kills

Reddit the last 2 weeks

Friday, November 29, 2019

Gotta watch out for Those gun trafficking Dinosaurs

"Hey there litt- Oh Shit!"

The Slap

Woke up to this turkey today. I think it knows what we did yesterday

When my girl wants to see magic.

Here kitty

PsBattle: Let the games begin

PsBattle: Charmeleo with tail circling the sun

Made me die laughing

Let's go Chewy!!

A cow and a cat

PsBattle: This angry cat at sunset

Guys, I think my banana went bad!

PsBattle: Rock climber qualifying for the 2020 Olympics


PsBattle: Otter and meal

Members of Japan's parliament try out the latest in foldable emergency helmets

PsBattle: House pets eating garbage.

I found out I’m going to be an uncle!!! My sister wasn’t too happy about my interpretation of her upside down ultrasound.

Today's the day

Oh, the sidewalk is shoveled?

Make like a hockey stick and get the pup out of here

Nom nom nom