Sunday, October 31, 2021

My friend tried to make eyeball cookies...

PsBattle: This starfish sitting in the corner.

Have a Stellar Halloween!

That was fast.

PsBattle: Baby dressed as Clark Kent/Superman

Our dentist passes out candy cigs and root beer for Halloween.

In the drive thru today.


The joy of being a kid. Got a full size candy bar and you would have thought my daughter wont the lottery. Pure elation.

Steve Buscemi as his "How do you do, fellow kids?" character from 30 Rock for Halloween

Don't worry about getting older

PsBattle: Spider-Man giving out candy

My little brother just returned from trick or treating with a "Ferrero Rocher"

[OC] Pixelplanes - Busy Flightdeck


Sloth from Zootopia

Long cartoonish fall

Local Wendy’s meets its end.

Humans are so good at scratching under the chin

PsBattle: Squirrel slaps intruder squirrel across the face


[OC] Apple Innovation in a Nutshell

He looks before running right into it...

turning it off means he didn't break it

Made this today, thought Id share it with you all :)

PsBattle: This dog staring out of a window

Saturday, October 30, 2021

My husband's Halloween costume. He's crushing your head!

PsBattle: two zebra stallions fighting [OC]

Devil's Night is upon us again

This stupid couple's costume may be the happiest I've ever been.

Never steal from a church, because they will call you out

Sculpting A Realistic Leonardo DiCaprio's Head In Clay

My wife’s Halloween charcuterie game is strong.

Girlfriend wanted to do a couples costume from Queen’s Gambit

PsBattle: Full Scorpion

Today was dress up day at work for Halloween. My co worker everyone 😂

Mark's secret

PsBattle: Little kid dressed as a porcupine

Collecting nesting materials

Welcome to the mouth

PsBattle: Zuckerberg doing VR

Our little neighbor friend made his first pumpkin. I managed to not laugh out loud at the added glitter.


Black Cat